Saturday, October 30, 2010

Shimmering start to a new day

Sunrise at Golden Temple

This pout is actually for oxygen!

Serenity at the Golden Temple

4 AM at Golden Temple, Amritsar - an undisturbed tranquility

Chandigarh Crafts Mela - organic flowers!

One of the attractions from the NE stable were flower stalks for home decor. But the flowers were completely made from soft wood, wood flakes and dried peepal leaves.

Chandigarh Crafts Mela - Hut Arts

Each exhibition stand was crafted as a traditional mud hut covered with a thatched roof. The colourful murals on the walls just added to the cultural atmosphere.

Chandigarh Crafts Mela - Pottery

It can be said that I was at the right place at the right time :). Being at Chandigarh when the second national crafts festival is going on - great time to walk around a large area and be exposed to some of the finest workmanship India is famous for! Pottery was one of the most prominent attractions.